HomeCelebrityAre You A Lesbian, Tessa Thompson? A Bisexual Moment In Thor: Ragnarok...

Are You A Lesbian, Tessa Thompson? A Bisexual Moment In Thor: Ragnarok Gets Her Opinion

According to an interview Tessa gave to Rolling Stone, the scene in question has a woman leaving Valkyrie’s bedroom after having an intimate encounter with her.

In the end, the scene was removed because it “detracted from the action’s crucial exposition.” The film also included a scene where Valkyrie’s clan of female warriors were killed, but it omitted the fact that one of them was Valkyrie’s lover.

As Tessa Thompson put it to the Independent, “One thing to clear about that… is that it was mentioned in passing” while discussing the topic. I long for the day when someone’s sexuality doesn’t matter any more than the fact that I’m sipping this green juice.

It’s Possible That She Is, But She Hasn’t Yet Come To That Conclusion

Thor: Ragnarok (2017) Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson)

It wasn’t Avengers or Disney or indeed anyone picking that out because it was problematic; it was just that it didn’t fit with the rest of the scenario. Also, there were other lovely things that gave insight into her past.

Tessa also commented on the flashback, adding, “The woman who dies is his lover. That’s your lover, we were saying on stage.

I portrayed her as a lady who is queer, so in my head that doesn’t get cut. When it comes to the narratives we tell, I’d like to see a time where that’s just allowed to exist without having to be remarkable.

Throughout the conversation, Tessa also discussed her sexuality. The actress came out about dating both men and women earlier this year, stating, “I can take nothing for granted since of our family – it’s so free that you can do anything you you want to be.”

Both men and women pique my interest. I don’t think it’s necessary to have this conversation if I take a lady or a man home with me.

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About this, she explained, “The thing that matters to me is that I was simply speaking truthfully. Some have labelled it a “coming out” of sorts.

Moreover, I have never gone inside, therefore I have no idea what this means. Because I don’t think in such strict categories, I would never use that word.

Despite the presence of pansexual anti-hero Deadpool in Deadpool 2 and the revelation of a romantic relationship between Negasonic Teenage Munition and Yukio, neither film has any bearing on Marvel’s expanded universe, which has not included an LGBTQ character in almost 20 films.

Yet Marvel has made some noises about perhaps including LGBTQ heroes in the future. In June, Marvel Studios president Kevin Fiege and producer Stephen Broussard both stated that two LGBTQ superheroes, including one who is already established, would be making their way to our screens.

Also read: List Of The Best Lesbian Actors? Let’s Have A Look At It.

Tessa Thompson Feels That Being Out Bisexual Has Saved Lives

“I’ve received numerous people contact to me saying that they’ve been allowed to go out or to communicate with their families, which is a fantasy,” she told Variety. Thompson stated that she is quite grateful that she has never experienced any pressure to remain in the closet due to her work.

“I consider myself quite fortunate in that I am surrounded by individuals at work who, to the best of my knowledge, support my right to be authentic and to act in accordance with my deepest convictions.

It’s possible that the industry as a whole puts a lot of pressure on people to act a certain way, regardless of their sexual orientation.

She went on to say, “And I think that’s intensified particularly where sexuality is concerned, and that’s a real problem,” before revealing that she has friends who are not as fortunate and have been seriously touched by the industry’s inherent prejudices and the pressure to stay closeted. I see you, she said to the people who lacked such facilities.

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She agreed that her outward visibility could help save lives if that was the question posed to her. This is the power of seeing a reflection of yourself in any form. There are some methods that truly matter because we don’t have enough of it,” she added, but we know that all too well.

To quote Thompson herself, “Valkyrie” is “eager for love. She’s fresh out of the closet and looking for love. When it comes to Jane Foster (Natalie Portman), the question is whether or not there’s any chance of a happy ending.

Thompson did not let the possibility die. It’s fun that “you could picture a lot of these people in different universes ending up together,” she said, adding that this is part of the MCU’s appeal.

Also read: Is Gaga A Bisexual? Find Out Why She Is Considering Having A Sex Change!


Like her on-screen persona, Thompson is unafraid to share that she identifies as bisexual. She spoke on the importance of being herself to her queer core audience in an interview with Variety.

Chandan Panda
Chandan Panda
Honors student who is knowledgeable in accounting and excellent at conveying that knowledge to others. aiming to make the most of one's abilities and to take part in things while keeping a clear head. As I've progressed through life, I've picked up skills in a number of areas, including content modification, photo/video editing, and even some creative writing. In my spare time, I like a wide variety of activities, including watching anime, riding my bike, and listening to music.


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