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Anytrans Review ( A Great Blend Of Simplicity And Power For Windows And Mac )

Apple left many iPhone and iOS users without a support system when it discontinued iTunes in 2019. Users accustomed to administering their iPhones’ contents from a desktop or laptop computer would benefit greatly from the company’s software solution.

 Now, for each of its services, Apple provides three options. In any case, this is not the ideal answer. While Apple has yet to release a comprehensive solution, there are a number of online software tools that claim to provide comprehensive support for managing your iOS devices. 

We offer a fairly comprehensive option, AnyTrans, which can convert between many different formats. In the wake of iTunes’s demise, it steps in to fill the void.

Years ago (in 2019), Apple abandoned many of its iPhone and iOS users when it decided to discontinue iTunes. Users accustomed to administering their iPhones’ contents from a desktop or laptop computer would benefit greatly from the company’s software solution. 

anytrans review

Now, for each of its services, Apple provides three options. In any case, this is not the ideal answer. While Apple has yet to release a comprehensive solution, there are a number of online software tools that claim to provide comprehensive support for managing your iOS devices. 

We offer a fairly comprehensive option, AnyTrans, which can convert between many different formats. In the wake of iTunes’s demise, it steps in to fill the void. Additionally, the software offers a comprehensive backup solution that will safeguard all of your data for later use. 

File and image management are also simplified via a user-friendly interface, allowing you to do so without ever leaving your Windows or Mac computer. You can choose which files to back up and do so independently.

One more helpful function is an App Management system that lets you manage all of your iPhone’s apps from your computer. Your iTunes library and iCloud storage space are also within your control.


As was previously mentioned, iMobie AnyTrans can be useful in a wide variety of data management contexts. One of the software’s greatest strengths, however, is its ability to transfer information and files from an older iPhone to a newer one without a hitch.

Apple introduced four new iPhones in 2018. These are the iPhone 12 series. This year’s selection of devices is extensive, and it even includes a “mini” model reminiscent of older, more compact iPhones. 

anytrans review migration feature

There will be a larger number of users upgrading to the latest and greatest if they have more choice in the matter. With the help of AnyTrans, you can start using the newest iPhone as if it were your personal device on the very first day.

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One-click data transfer between your Android device and a new iPhone is now possible with the “Phone Switcher” feature. There’s also a button you can click to have your old iPhone’s apps and data transferred over to your new iPhone in a flash. 

Finally, the software ensures that you won’t have to manually download each app to your new iPhone. After initiating the migration from your source device, which is your old one. To your destination device, which is your new one, the transfer should take no more than a few minutes.


A full-featured backup manager is included in AnyTrans, so you can easily create full backups of your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch with a single click. Do you require an effective backup solution to store your files securely for later use? The problem you’ve been having can be solved by AnyTrans.

anytrans review Backup Manager

Just as it takes one click to back up all of your data, a single click is also all it takes to restore it. You can also view your backup history within the programme. So you’ll know exactly when it’s time to create a new backup.

The new iPhone 12 allows for daily data backups, ensuring that your information is always secure and accessible. Since accidents can and do happen, having a backup can be invaluable.


This software evaluation has shown that AnyTrans provides a suite of tools. For managing data, creating backups, and adapting to the requirements of a new iPhone. The thing is, though, that this isn’t all there is. 

anytrans review Other Features

The software also has some neat extras that should help it gain more users. This program allows you to mirror your iPhone’s screen on your computer search. And download apps from the App Store without ever leaving your PC, and even download media from other platforms.

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By using the App Store’s App Downloader feature, you can choose and install apps from your computer. You can choose your App Store’s region with ease, which is a neat feature to have before starting a search for an App. As a result, your Apple device will be able to download and run software from multiple app stores.

FAQs – People Also Ask

Can AnyTrans be trusted?

Do you know if AnyTrans is secure? From a malware and virus protection perspective, it is 100% risk-free. To ensure you always have the most up-to-date and secure version of AnyTrans, the installer file will automatically download it from the iMobie website and install it for you.

Is AnyTrans better than move to iOS?

When compared to Move to iOS, AnyTrans is a much more time and effort-saving alternative. Despite Apple’s claim that you can move all of your data, including texts, photos, contacts, and calendars, you actually have no say over what actually gets moved.

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