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National Save The Eagles Day – January 10, 2023; History and Amazing Facts!

On January 10, 2023, the United States will celebrate National Save the Eagles Day to draw attention to the plight of the eagle and show appreciation for those who have worked to protect them from extinction through conservation activities.

There are more than sixty recognised eagle species. In the United States, you can only see bald eagles and golden eagles. Because of the ongoing dangers to eagle populations from things like poaching, pesticides, and human interference, we must work together to conserve and defend these wonderful creatures, the symbol of American freedom.

On January 10th, we celebrate Save the Eagles Day to draw attention to these magnificent birds of prey, whether they are in plentiful supply or in danger of extinction. Thanks to efforts by scientists and concerned citizens, the bald eagle was taken off this list in June 2007.

A number of threats, including illegal hunting, pesticides, and other environmental hazards, persist for eagle populations.

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History of National Save The Eagles Day

History of National Save The Eagles Day

The eagle is one of the most powerful and beautiful of all birds of prey. The bald eagle is a national icon of the United States, representing freedom, strength, and splendour. The origins of National Save the Eagles Day are an admirable tale. Ridgefield Park, New Jersey served as the initial catalyst.

Winter is bald eagles’ prime nesting season, and since 2011, a couple of eagles known as “Alice and Al” have made their home near Overpeck Creek.

Paramus, New Jersey’s Skymark Development Corporation reported in 2014 on a research that found that having a dump next to an eagles’ nest was dangerous to the local people. They contended that cutting down the eagles’ nesting tree was part of the solution to reducing health concerns in the area.

Community members and the Bergen County Audubon Society responded to this news by planning Save The Eagles Day for January 10, 2015.

Eventually, the two parties came to terms on keeping the area set aside as eagle park. Despite the fact that Alice and Al’s nest had been used by another pair for several years, they continued to use it.

The Endangered Species Act is just one of many modern legislation designed to safeguard eagles. Many eagle species that were once on the point of extinction are now thriving, thanks to the persistent work of conservationists and governments around the world. On this moving day, let us join together to honour eagles and work to ensure their survival.

Some Fun Facts About Eagles 

Some Fun Facts About Eagles 

Learn some interesting knowledge and share it with your friends and family to help spread the word and celebrate National Save the Eagles Day.

The female bald eagle is larger than her male counterpart, which is unusual among bird species.

Humans are responsible for the vast majority of eagle-related deaths, which can be attributed to a variety of factors such as collisions with buildings or vehicles, shootings, and poisonings.

The hawks have a powerful cry, but the eagles come out as comical. As a result, the true eagle call is typically replaced by that of a hawk in movies and TV shows.

Eagles have been recorded diving at speeds of up to 100 miles per hour when on the hunt.

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How Can We Celebrate National Save The Eagles Day?

How Can We Celebrate National Save The Eagles Day?
  1. Help save the Eyrie! Contribute to the preservation of eagle habitats by participating in education initiatives or lending a hand at animal refuges.
  2. You can witness the majesty of eagles in their natural habitat by going to a bird sanctuary. Eagles cams on sites like Eagles.org are another way to observe these magnificent birds.
  3. Carry Yourself with Some Sense of Duty. To avoid endangering these birds, please continue with your fishing or hunting plans.
  4. Internet-based social networking sites. The eagle population is in danger, so please help spread the word by sharing photos and posts on the current threats affecting the eagle population.
  5. Learning: This is a great opportunity to pick up some interesting facts about these magnificent birds. You can learn a lot of startling information about eagles from online sources.Take the time to read literature about eagles with your family or watch multiple transmissions to learn more about the problems facing these amazing animals.
  6. The easiest way to raise money for eagle conservation is to host a charity event and ask guests to bring a monetary donation of any amount. The Eagle Preservation Fund has a leaflet that you may give to your friends and family to help raise awareness about eagles.
  7. Celebrate “Saving Eagles Day” by making a contribution. If you want to help rescue eagles, you can donate to a local animal shelter or other preservation organisations.
  8. Help save these eagles from extinction by spreading awareness about the dangers they encounter in the wild.



Q. Are eagles endangered in the world?

Before 2007, bald eagles were thought to be extinct, however, that notion was formally rescinded that year.

Q.Is there a penalty for killing a bald eagle?

Those convicted of killing a bald eagle must pay a $5000 fine and spend one year in jail.

Q. What do eagles eat in a day?

Most eagles’ diets consist of small mammals and birds including rabbits, grouse, gulls, and other birds.

Q. How were the bald eagles saved from extinction?

The bald eagle’s threat of extinction has been reduced thanks to conservation, protection, enforcement, and reintroduction activities.

Divya Pandey
Divya Pandey
I am an experienced content writer and blogger. I love writing all sorts of content. I am well-versed in SEO and WordPress. I have 2+ years of experience in this field and pursuing Bachelor's degree in Commerce. I spend my free time watching K-dramas, Anime and playing outdoor games. My goal is to improve my skills and publish more articles over the web.


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