HomeEntertainmentWhy Do We Celebrate Belly Laugh Day, Updated Information 2023

Why Do We Celebrate Belly Laugh Day, Updated Information 2023

We’re here to help you celebrate January 24th, Belly Laugh Day, in a way that will most likely result in abdominal pain. I bet you didn’t know that the first celebration of this day dates back more than 15 years! Today is Belly Laugh Day, a time to enjoy some good humour and reflect on the bright side of life.

In the words of Maya Angelou, “Just imagine if we laughed more frequently, if we had the unmitigated courage to touch each other, it would be just the beginning of paradise — now.”

Origins Of International Day Of Laughter In The Stomach

Gelotology is the scientific study of humour and mirth. Laughter has likely been around since the earliest humans, even if scientists can’t be certain about its precise timeline.

Whether a child is being tickled by a parent or the person laughing is simply thinking of something humorous in their own head, both external and internal stimuli can elicit laughter.

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Laughter is more than just a reaction to humour; research has shown that it plays a significant role in interpersonal interactions.

A loud, uncontrollable laugh that goes beyond a simple chuckle or giggle is what we mean when we talk about someone having a “belly laugh.” The best way to observe International Day of the Belly Laugh is to go out and have one.

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When And How To Celebrate #GlobalBellyLaughDay

The date is marked by a sun with seven rays and two sets of dimples representing the numbers one and twenty-four. This symbolises the concept that joy and happiness are always available to us, no matter what time of day it is. On January 24 at 1:24 p.m. local time, people all over the world will be encouraged to laugh in response to this symbol. In order to take part:

  • Go see a funny film or video.
  • Attend a comedy show or comedy concert.
  • Share some laughs with your friends by telling jokes around the table.
  • Test your ability to laugh out loud by holding a contest.
  • In honour of this hilarious day, please use the hashtag #GlobalBellyLaughDay when posting to social media.

Just like how soap cleans the body, humour heals the spirit. Jewish saying

The Four Objectives of World Laughter Day

Researchers have found that humour can extend life expectancy by several years. We therefore encourage you to make the most of today.

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  • According to today’s author, those four objectives are as follows:
  • In order to reminisce and have fun thinking about the good times.
  • Establish a rapport with one another through shared laughter. Therefore, the best way to celebrate is to do so in front of a large group of people.
  • To not forget the value of humour and a good grin.
  • So that they can experience the positive effects of laughter and joy on their health. The best treatment is always laughter.

Take note of this momentous occasion. Please have someone film your participation and share the video online. This is too much fun to merely observe from the sidelines, so the challenge is finding someone who doesn’t want to join in on the hilarity.

Discover The Positive Effects Of Humor On Your Body

A lot of people don’t realise that laughter has been shown to have a number of positive effects on health, including the ability to fight off disease and other health issues. Some of the many health benefits of laughter include:

  • There is evidence that laughter can trigger the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers. When the body’s endorphins are activated, it has an analgesic effect, meaning less pain is felt.
  • Humor has a calming effect, relieving stress and relieving tension. This, in turn, leads to elevated spirits and a general feeling of contentment.
  • The immune system benefits from a good laugh. Laughter and positive thoughts increase neuropeptides that protect the body from illness and disease, whereas negative thoughts tend to manifest as chemicals that work against the body.
  • By relaxing the smooth muscle cells that line blood vessels, laughter helps to increase blood flow, which has positive effects on a person’s health.

In fact, the anticipation or recall of a humorous event or experience may have the same beneficial effects as the actual event itself. The time has come to encourage universal, hearty laughter today.

Rohit Prasad
Rohit Prasad
I am enthusiastic and quick learner who covers daily topics and news to update you as well as myself


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