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Updated Fact National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day 2023

Popping the bubbles in bubble wrap; Shutterstock ID 36350716; PO: Brandon for News

On the last Monday of every January, people all over the country celebrate a fascinating invention by celebrating National Bubble Wrap Day, also known as National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day.

The primary use for bubble wrap today is to cushion fragile items during transport or while being stored. People also find amusement in the act of popping bubbles in bubble wrap.

To be fair, the idea of using bubble wrap for packaging wasn’t immediately apparent to the two engineers who invented it. Shower curtain sealants were invented by Marc Chavannes and Alfred Fielding in 1956 in Hawthorne, New Jersey.

As a result of using this method, numerous air bubbles were produced. The two engineers’ first thought was that their creation would make fantastic wallpaper. But the wallpaper never caught on with customers.

In response, Chavannes and Fielding began marketing the material for use in greenhouses.

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Learn More About the Origins of Bubble Wrap Day

Ok, ok… Yes, Bubble Wrap isn’t designed to be a plaything, but the strangest part of the story may be that it has a very practical purpose.

You see, the first iteration of Bubble Wrap was created by sealing together two shower curtains; its creators intended to sell this creation as wallpaper.

It’s a shame this didn’t work, because who knows how many people with extreme anxiety could have been helped if banging on walls actually helped.

Interestingly, this wasn’t even the biggest blunder they made on the way to their true calling; they also tried to sell it as greenhouse insulation, which also bombed.

Not content to rest on their laurels, they next attempted to sell it as greenhouse insulation, another largely fruitless venture.

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A year later, the perfect application was found, and the Bubble Wrap brand of packaging was born. The company got off to a flying start when IBM signed on as the first client; the company then proceeded to ship the IBM 1401 to its many satisfied clients in luxurious air-conditioned comfort.

The ‘Young Inventor’ award is given out annually by Bubble Wrap to inspire kids to think of creative new uses for the product.

Every year, these budding innovators try to come up with the next big thing in Bubble Wrap, whether it’s a door cover to protect your walls from dents or a wheelchair cushion to keep your loved ones out of harm’s way.

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A Day to Celebrate Bubble Wrap

Day of Appreciation for Bubble Wrap is January 30.One of the best inventions ever is bubble wrap. As such, it has been put to use in the shipping and warehousing of a wide variety of fragile items.

Every year on the last Monday of January, people all over the world celebrate Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day in honor of these versatile packaging essentials.

Bloomington, Indiana’s Jim Webster, of alternative rock station Spirit 95 WVNI, established the first annual National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day in 2001.

National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day has been celebrated annually on the last Monday of January since 2001 to show gratitude for the ease and worry-free shipping it provides.

The use of bubble wrap greatly facilitates shipping.

The fact that bubble wraps simplify shipping is yet another reason to rejoice on this special day. When we shop, we feel more at ease knowing that our purchases will be safely packaged in bubble wraps.

When they package their wares in bubble wrap, sellers can rest easy knowing that their products will arrive in one piece.

A Few Facts That Are Worth Noting

In honor of National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day, here are some fun and informative facts:

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