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National Sickie Day—Media Fantasy Or Reality?

Those of you who got out of bed with the notion that going to work today would be a mistake are not alone in that sentiment.

Even if they aren’t genuinely unwell, a lot of individuals may call in sick or play hooky on this day because they don’t want the weekend to end and they don’t want to go to work. Other names for this day include calling off work, pulling a sickie, calling in sick, or playing hooky.

The Origins Of The National Sickie Day Holiday

People have a tendency to become sick and bored of going to work throughout the winter since the dark winter blahs endure for what seems like endless days throughout the season.

As a matter of fact, due to the fact that the first Monday of February is statistically the day on which more employees in the UK will call in sick than any other day, this day has been designated as National Sickie Day!

Although having a cold or the flu is the most prevalent excuse used to beg out of work on this day, almost half of the people who call out on this day may not genuinely be sick despite the fact that these are the most common excuses given.

Instead, a significant number of people who phone in sick do so because they are simply exhausted or because they simply do not have the motivation to go to work.

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How To Observe Sickie Day, The National Holiday

Consider putting some of these entertaining and thought-provoking activities for passing the time during National Sickie Day into action in honor of the holiday and its celebrations:

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Pull a Sickie

On National Sickie Day, the first and most important thing to do is, of course, call in sick to work. Get that email ready in advance, even the night before, to say that you won’t be able to make it to work on the day in question since it’s difficult for you to do so.

This is one of the finest times of the year to call in sick, whether you want to make up a lame excuse like having the plague or make it sound a little more genuine like having the sniffles.

Binge Watch Some Favorite Films

It’s possible that calling in sick means nothing more than vegging out, taking it easy on the couch, and watching many episodes of your favorite shows or movies in one sitting.

National Sickie Day is the ideal occasion for enjoying some movies that are the perfect cure when skipping out on work (or school) and having some fun, so grab those DVDs or start up Netflix since now is the best time to do it.

Start out your movie watching with some of these titles:

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Putting The Numbers Through Their Paces

As a provider of software for absence management, we thought it would be beneficial to put it to the test.

After conducting an investigation into all of the information regarding employee sick days that our software collected, we found that the day on which the majority of staff members called in ill was actually…

The 12th of December is on Monday. Even though the first Monday in February wasn’t even in the top ten on the

list, it’s still one of the most common times for people to call in sick to work, so even though it’s not technically “National Sickie Day,” it’s still one of the most common days of the year.

Not only that, but we had anticipated that January and February would be high on the list of months with the most requests for sick leave from employees (it is, after all, flu season),

but it turned out that November and October were the months with the most requests. In addition, we discovered that Mondays accounted for approximately 25 percent of all absences that were recorded.

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