The history, fantasy, and kid-friendly fun associated with dinosaurs have made them a perennial favourite.

Since their bones were first discovered in the 17th century — and at first no one could even guess what they really were — dinosaurs have been a fascination, whether it be through seeing their bones and fossils in museums or watching recreations of them in films and television shows.

Today, on National Draw a Dinosaur Day, you can find a wide variety of entertaining suggestions for commemorating this prehistoric beast, which not only loomed large in size but continues to occupy a sizable niche in the hearts of many people all over the world.

Backstory Of National Draw A Dinosaur Day

A student by the name of Todd Page was sitting in on an anthropology class on a normal day in 2007. He took pen to paper to distract himself from the monotony and, seemingly at random, drew a dinosaur. It was exciting and entertaining for him.

The activity of drawing dinosaurs was enjoyed by all of his classmates, whom he inspired to join in. He decided to institute a day when everyone could draw the most fantastical creatures ever to roam the Earth.

National Draw a Dinosaur Day first appeared on the calendar on January 30 thanks to the efforts of social media influencer Todd Page. People all over the United States and Canada now celebrate the day by drawing their own dinosaurs and posting them online.

Prehistoric animals have always been a hit with kids. Any child would be overjoyed at the chance to engage in activities related to prehistoric creatures.

Children can be actively involved in a positive way through the act of drawing. Simple celebrations can be organised by simply creating a dinosaur drawing and sharing it online. Taking a good photo is secondary to enjoying the experience.

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The Goal

To encourage people of all ages, but particularly kids, to express themselves creatively through writing and painting.

Children and adults alike have depicted dinosaurs in art over the years, sharing their interpretations and visuals with the world via the internet.

On January 30, break out the crayons, coloured pencils, markers, paints, or styluses and create your own rendition of the most fantastic beast to ever roam the Earth.

Instructions For Observing The U.S. Holiday Designated for The Drawing of Dinosaurs

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Help the kids pass the time by drawing dinosaurs on a sheet of paper. Display your new dinosaur drawings with pride. Visit a museum dedicated to Earth and planetary sciences or watch a film about dinosaurs if you’re interested in the lifestyles of ancient animals.

Want to go home for lunch after a morning at the museum? Make lunchtime more exciting for the kids by using dinosaur-shaped sandwich cutters.

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You could also look up some recipes for dinosaur-themed cakes and cookies online. Then have a dino-themed party and invite everyone you know.

Fun-To-Illustrate Dinosaurs

  • The Tyrannosaurus rex
    Kids love the fierce T-Rex because it can be easily transformed into a goofy-faced creation, making it a fan favourite.
  • Rex Indominus
    Its sharp and bony features require more effort from the artist, making it a fun and stimulating subject for kids who like to draw freehand.
  • Triceratops
    Children love giving life to the character of this massive herbivore from their favourite bedtime stories.
  • Mosasaurus
    This aquatic dinosaur provides a pleasant opportunity for those who enjoy experimenting with colour to create works in turquoise, blue, and green.
  • Velociraptor
    Perfect for grownups who value symmetry when drawing freely.

Every year on January 30th, people all over the world celebrate by drawing dinosaurs. As an added bonus, it’s on a Monday this year! Why not make today a family day and do something fun? A recent study found that American children aged 8-12 spend an average of 4–6 hours per day in front of electronic screens. .

In contrast, drawing has a wide range of positive outcomes for children, such as the enhancement of fine motor skills, the promotion of visual analysis, the development of concentration, hand-eye coordination, confidence, imagination, and creativity. And while you’re at it, you might as well study the origins of the dinosaurs. Children love stories like this one…

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