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National DJ Day, History And Other Facts

Every year on January 20th, we honor and celebrate the contributions of our favorite DJs by celebrating National DJ Day. Alan Freed, better known by his stage name “Moondog,” was a legendary DJ who passed away on the same day.

During the 1950s in the United States, radio DJ Alan Freed is widely regarded as the man who popularized Rock ‘n’ Roll music and is often given credit for coining the term.
DJ Chris Hawkins of BBC Radio 6 Music discusses the significance of music in his life with Bring the Noise.

Chris got his start in the radio industry by volunteering at BBC Radio Shropshire.

In his third year of college at Nottingham University, he left an exam early to host the drive time show on BBC Radio Nottingham, following his dream of becoming a radio DJ.

Chris shares his heartfelt feelings about music, his early experiences as a DJ (in his garage at the age of 12), and the significance of helping young people build meaningful musical memories.

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Brief Background On The History Of DJ Day

The twentieth of January annually serves as National DJ Day. DJs, both amateur and professional, are honoured on this day for their ability to set the mood with the right music at just the right time.

Even though live performances are the norm, audiences can also enjoy the music through television broadcasts and recorded sessions. Club DJs, radio DJs, party DJs, and turntablists (who scratch and manipulate sounds by playing records on turntables) are the most common types of disc jockeys.

Music has been with us for as long as we can remember, constantly developing thanks to innovative musicians like composers, lyricists, and DJs. DJs used to spin records on turntables, and the standard practise at the time was to have a large collection of records as well as a dedicated, well-equipped DJ booth at a specific location.

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However, as time progressed and new DJ software was released, the term “DJing” came to mean different things to different people. However, in 1909, a 16-year-old named Ray Newby conducted the first ever disc jockey session as a live radio experiment on airwaves.

At Harrold College,

Where he was supervised by Charles Harrold, he majored in both engineering and wireless technology. These explorations, which began in the Garden City Bank Building, sparked a musical movement that eventually swept the globe.

Radio announcer Martin Block was the first to become famous for playing the hottest music of the time on the air, but the term “disc jockey” wasn’t coined until 25 years later, by American radio commentator Walter Winchell.

DJ Jimmy Savile, who claimed he was the first to use twin turntables, hosted the first DJ dance party in 1943 by playing a series of jazz records at Otley, England.

Afterwards, in 1947, Whiskey a Go Go Nightclub was widely regarded as the world’s first Discotheque. There was a subsequent uptick in interest in DJing as a profession, and by the turn of the century, innovative new technologies had made DJing possible in a wide variety of contexts and musical contexts.

It has never been established who or what started the National Disk Hockey Day tradition. However, we honor these artists annually and encourage everyone to join in the festivities.

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How To Celebrate National Disc Jockey Day

Use the hashtag #DiscJockeyDay to show your support for DJs everywhere on social media. You may wish to express appreciation for your favourite DJs or even try your hand at DJing yourself.

Nowadays, you can make a small event of it with your loved ones and friends without having to invest in any expensive equipment. You’ll gain a newfound appreciation for DJs once you experience firsthand how challenging it is to keep a dance floor packed.

The death anniversary of Alan Freed, aka Moondog, one of the world’s most famous disc jockeys, is January 20. This day is marked as a day to honour DJing and influential DJs. He became well-known for his promotion of rock and roll and his development of the DJ culture.

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