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Evidence Of The Megalodon’s Continued Existence?

The Miocene had higher sea levels than modern times and a time before the collision of North and South American continents that resulted in the isthmus of Panama. When the Mediterranean and Pacific Ocean were joined at the equator, a greater volume of hotter equatorial water could circulate throughout the world.

This was very helpful for the Megalodon and other predators in warm waters. Marine life flourished during this time because temperatures were higher and a passage connected the world’s two major oceans.

Miocene was a prosperous time, but it couldn’t endure forever. America’s North and South clashed during the Pliocene, sealing off the Central American Seaway. As a result, worldwide ocean currents were radically disrupted, resulting in an abrupt and severe cooling.

As seawater froze and solidified at the poles, global sea levels dropped, shrinking the coastal nurseries Megalodon needed for safe birthing. Prey species such as the mid-sized baleen whale Cetotherium, which had also adapted towards the open waters of the Miocene, either became extinct or shifted to the colder, polar waters, where the Megalodon couldn’t follow.

At the same time, big toothed whales arose, such as the forerunners of today’s Orcas, and quickly filled the void left by the extinct Megalodon.

Isolated on what have been called “islands of warm water,” megalodon finally went extinct because of a lack of food and because newly evolved predators were able to kill them when they were still juveniles. Megalodon fossils date back to 3–2.5 million years.

But Is The Mysticete-Eating Creature From The Miocene Still Around Today?

A small but vocal minority persists in denying the overwhelming body of evidence that the last megatooth shark has perished. Supporters of this “thesis” frequently use shaky evidence, logical fallacies, and downright lies to defend their mistaken view.

One prominent counterargument is the idea that because so little of the sea has been explored and charted, “we don’t know for sure” how this might exist there in uncharted open ocean. This is a logical error and a tiresome non-argument.

We can’t disprove the existence of a megalodon in the deep sea because we haven’t looked for it, so the reasoning goes; therefore, we must find one. Simply said, since it is difficult to disprove anything, theorists conclude that the reverse must be true.

The trouble is that this “argument” can be stretched to include anything you want it to, from aliens to mythical sea serpents to the megalodon. Even while it doesn’t prove anything on its own, it can be used to make casual observers question the reliability of the scientific consensus.

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Another prominent counterargument brings up the case of enormous animals like the gigantic and colossal squid that were only recently found by scientists.

However, traces of these animals have been found on beaches, in fishing nets, and in the eyes of seafarers for generations, if not centuries. Even before a complete specimen was sighted and recorded, their existence was established beyond a reasonable doubt thanks to the circumstantial evidence that had been accumulated.

Species that were thought to be extinct but were later found to be living and most well are sometimes held up as examples of “Lazarus taxonomy” or “Living Fossil” species, for example the coelacanth.

Such “evidence” merely demonstrates the debater’s ignorance of evolutionary biology. While current coelacanths outwardly resemble their old cretaceous progenitors, this remarkable fish is actually a different genus and species due to its significant evolution from a peat swamp fish to the a shallow coastal cave fish.

In the eyes of scientists, the megalodon would be an altogether different organism if it adjusted and changed to fit a changing experience (it hasn’t, figuratively speaking), and a new name would be needed to explain its new way of existence.

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The Rudimentary Reasons Why The Megalodon Is Obviously Extinct

Megalodon fossils stop being found at 2.5-7 million years ago. There is no fossil evidence of a megalodon descendant, which would be expected if the megalodon has some living progeny. Fossils are the sole physical proof we have that the megalodon existed, and they suggest it lived at least 2.5–3 million years ago.

There is no longer a need for the ecological niche that the megalodon served because it has been supplied by tetrapods and other sharks, for which there is an ample amount of evidence for their presence and activity.

The megalodon was a highly productive, very active, warm-water macropredatory shark that preyed on cetaceans of medium to large sizes. Sharks and toothed whales currently play the role of top predator in the oceans across the world.

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Because of their importance to the ecosystems in which they exist, apex predators have been the focus of substantial research by biologists. The ecosystems in which megalodons existed would be profoundly altered by the presence of such a huge predator.

The megalodon is too large for the oceans of today, which just do not support such a large predator. The warm-water, intermediate-sized cetaceans that it preyed upon are now extinct, and the closest living relatives of these species no longer inhabit seas within the megalodon’s habitable range.

It’s unlikely that a megalodon could survive in the residual warm coastal waters since there just aren’t enough huge prey creatures there.

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Megalodon fossils, however, are continually being discovered in various locations, and studies of these extraordinary and fascinating animals are ongoing. I think most people would agree that we’re quite fortunate to live in a planet where gigantic sharks and other marine predators don’t frequent coastal areas.

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